Teen Tech – Jan. 7, 21, 23, & 28, January 3, 2020

We are back in session with Teen Tech this month, and we will be introducing our new Nikon digital camera. Participants will also have a chance to practice using our Cricut Maker, 3D pens, and 3D printer, all purchased through the Project Next Generation grant. This program is designed for children and teens of middle school age and up.
Tuesdays, Jan. 7, 21, & 28, 2020, 3:30-6:00 PM and Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020, 3:30-5:30 PM
***Our Jan. 23rd, session was originally scheduled to have a demonstration of virtual reality by Revelation VR of Peru. We will still have Teen Tech that day, but the virtual reality presentation has been rescheduled for Feb. 5th.***