Stuffed Animal Sleepover 1/6/2017 Posted on December 28, 2016

Stuffed animals are invited to a sleepover at the library on Friday, January 6, 2017, the last Friday night of winter break.
Kids, come in to drop off your stuffed animal after 3:30 PM. We’ll have you fill out a nametag with some information about your pet.
Come back Saturday morning to get your stuffed animal and find out what he or she did after hours in the library!
Look for pictures of your stuffed animal’s adventures on the library’s facebook page on Saturday!
Please do not bring the stuffed animal you MUST have to fall asleep.
Saturday, January 7, the library will accept donations of gently used stuffed animals for local children who need some cheer this winter. If you have other stuffed animals you are no longer playing with that you would like to give away, feel free to bring them along when you come to pick up your stuffed animal on Saturday.
Call the library (815) 883-3619 with any questions.